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  Sounding like an Orchestra  

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  Versatility is key  

Though the electronic organ has taken a backseat recently, it is still an excellent instrument to learn. The versatility of complementing many types of music genres is one of the most desirable vital factors. The electronic organ has hundreds of different sounds, rhythm selection, and many other effects. It can make pieces like Theme from Star Wars,  Indiana Jones,  or even the fun Little Mermaid sound close to the original.

The repertoires are not restricted only to modern pieces. We can also use the organ to play Baroque music as well. Utilizing sounds like the harpsichord to strings or even pipe organs will immediately transform the piece back to the 17th century.  

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organ books

It is a slightly more complex instrument compared to a standard 61-key electronic/digital keyboard. The upper keyboard of the organ is usually for the melody part, whereas the lower one we used for chords. The pedal keyboard uses the left leg, which accompanies the left-hand chord.

During lessons, besides technical playing skills and basic music theory, one will be taught how to select and decide on the suitable orchestra instrument and rhythm to use to make it appropriate for that particular genre. Depending on the style of the piece, one can select a simple Waltz or Jazz Waltz to a Swing, Latin, Ballad, or even Disco. In other words,  various exciting ways.

With the combination of different sounds and rhythm pattern usage, there are endless possibilities to interpret a piece. Let your creativity be your best judge.

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