Music Education

Benefits of music & taking piano lessons
Learning the piano is a great way to introduce your child or yourself to the world of music. Of all the instruments, the piano is the best one to start on first.
It is the only musical instrument offering easy means of complex melodic and harmonic interplay. This is the single-minded reason why most music composers prefer to use the piano for composing.
The piano produces the right pitch each time you strike a key, giving you a strong foundation for good ear training.
Subsequently, expanding to violin, guitar, or any other instrument of your choice will be easier.
On the academic platform, taking piano lessons is proven to be an advantage in understanding math and science better. This undoubtedly should be an advantage for schoolchildren.

There have been numerous research findings on the influence of learning music and its benefits on brain and SELF-development.
One such significant benefit of music is in the form of therapy.
Below are a few more articles on the various benefits of music learning:
* TED-Ed - How playing an instrument benefits your brain
* BBC - Childhood music lessons leave lasting brain boost.
* Dailymail UK - For brain boost start music lesson before age 7.
* MalayMail - Scientists agree - music is good for you
* BBC - Moving to the rhythm can help language skills.
* Children's Music Workshop - Twelve Benefits of Music Education.
* INC - The Benefits of Playing Music Help Your Brain More Than Any Other Activity
* LiveInnovation - Music and Neuroscience (from Ted Talks)