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  Why music therapy is effective  


What is music therapy? It is a process whereby healthcare professionals use music to help individuals of all ages with physical, emotional, cognitive, and social needs. It is believed that music therapy can aid with the following conditions:

  • promote personal wellness

  • stress management

  • alleviate pain

  • enhance memory

  • promote physical rehabilitation


Music therapy also has the advantage of being able to appeal to many different sensory systems at the same time. Music can address visual, kinesthetic, auditory, vestibular, and tactile senses in a single activity. It is instrumental today in the area of helping children with autism. Autism is a complex, neurological-based development disorder. Music therapy programs are popping up in hospitals and treatment centers in many developed countries. They are no longer a mystery treatment tool. I found an enlightening article titled The Healing Power of Music explaining how music is used to help patients suffering from autism, Alzheimer's disease, and depression. There are several reasons why music lends itself as a therapeutic tool:


  • It can be motivating

  • It helps reinforce active listening skills

  • Can reduce anxiety and promote relaxation

  • It is easily adaptable regardless of age, ability, or culture

  • Can release and nurture creativity

  • Offers a nonverbal/preverbal means of communication

  • Can be experienced individually or in a group

Music therapy
   Effects of music    

Psychological research is beginning to shed some light on the effects of music and music lessons on people. For instance, many studies published in prestigious professional journals have pointed to the potential intellectual benefits of children receiving long-term music lessons.

Playing and listening to music appears to improve IQ, verbal memory, and creative and attentive skills and perhaps subsequently promote children's overall learning abilities.


Child psychologists and teachers alike know that children can be successfully taught to learn and even master the use of relaxation techniques to manage stress and anxiety. Listening to suitable music tailored to your child's mood can be therapeutic, promoting physical and mental relaxation. It is little wonder that with so many benefits to reap, your child deserves to be in a therapeutic environment nurtured by music!

So why not let your child get creative and expressive through the art of music by learning the piano.

Just listen and relax
 What a wonderful experience it is to teach Kai
I have taught Kai for many years now. When he started (around 9-10 years old), he was quieter and more reserved. Sometimes he can be a little temperamental too. Kai is a special needs kid who loves music.
Initially, during lessons, I would try to adapt to his needs and how he wanted to learn. In time, he was much more open to my teaching style. As the years went by and with the love and support from his wonderful family, Kai grew into a mature and confident young boy. He is now a cheerful and fun-loving teenager. I am so proud of all his achievements. 

Teaching Kai is not without its challenges, but I am glad I was given the opportunity to be part of his music education. Through the years, I think I learned much from him, and as a result, I better myself as a teacher. When Kai was overseas for three years, we continued to make music through online lessons.
Music Therapy
Music Therapy
Music Therapy
- written by Kai's dad Mr Lawrence Ng

Multi Talented!

One of Kai's many piano performances
(taken  Sep 2021)
Kai bass
Kai keyboard
Kai double bass
Kai drum
Kai was a regular performer at his previous school and performed on different instruments too
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